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Buy One Get One Special Positive Ahi /FAD

We've combined two of our best shirts for our first ever BOGO (buy one,get one). 
You are getting both of these shirt for one great price. 
Because we greatly appreciate you for getting behind our mission we are put together this buy one get one Free pack.
We are trying to build a fishing brand that represents Hawaii fishing to the point where when you see Tsutomu anywhere you can know the person wearing it has ties to the Hawaii fishing community. You will know they are one of us and you will show you're one of us when you wear Tsutomu.

We cannot reach this lofty goal without your support so if you get value from our lures or free informational videos we would appreciate it if you would help us out and grab this special. 

Thank you & Aloha
Garrett & Keola


Our Positive Ahi Tee combines classic lines with our flagship logo to bring you the Positive Ahi design.

FAD Tee: Seek and Explore - the buoys in Hawaii can be a productive zone & always worth taking a couple of passes.


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